Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reupholster or Buy New ? What to do!

This is a difficult question for many people. It is so much easier and often cheaper to get a new piece of furniture rather than fixing up or rejuvenating that old chair or sofa that you used to love so much. Let's look at the things to consider.
Does the piece have  -good bones or design? If so, can you even replace it if you wanted to?
Can you give the piece new life if you just make a loose cover or completely reupholster it? Most likely the cost of making the cover matches the cost of having a professional reupholster the piece. The amount of work is still in the labour, thus the cost being the same.
Do you love the piece but hanker for a new look. Consider the environment. How many pieces of furniture hit the scrap heap? More often, it is just easier to rock up to the store and purchase NEW and chuck out that old piece. Let's face it. We are a throw-away, buy-new society for the most part.
Here's what I suggest if your piece is worth keeping.
Look for new fabric that you love.
Get a quote for upholstery/recovering from your local Interior Designer and ask for help choosing fabric that will take your piece into the next decade. Be willing to discuss your budget with your designer so you can both look in the right category of fabrics without wasting time. You will need about 8 meters of fabric for a wing back chair and 12-17 for a large sofa. (just use that as a guideline for estimating the cost of fabric and if you work in imperial measure you can convert that number to help you determine what you might need).
The labour portion cost is really varied. You may be able to get everything done through your designer or you can shop around yourself and look for an upholsterer who fits your budget.
You can expect to pay for the pickup/delivery, fabric, repairs and the labour.
Post your questions if you need assistance and Good Luck!

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